Submitted by: Becky Hamber
Born: 1978
Died: 2020
My Tribute: This is my big brother Will. He died alone and addicted to many medications at the age of 42. His story is like many before him. It was a perfect storm of early exposure to addiction, not confiding in people, an injury, an addiction to the pain medication during this injury, a gambling addiction, the loss of the love of his life due to these addictions and their consequences, losing himself entirely to the drugs, our Dad’s sudden illness and subsequent death, lying and stealing to hide his pain, never coming back from the perfect storm. However, his story is not one of sadness. It is one of life. He loved life. He is remembered by many for his bright smile, his lovely personality, and for being a great guy. He is remembered by his family and friends in Ontario as well as his friends that became his family in Alberta. His name will not be forgotten. Hug your family today and tell them that they are in fact worth life.