Submitted by: Natalie Taomina
Born: 1969
Died: 2016
My Tribute: As my mom’s favorite artist said “ain’t a woman alive that can take my momma’s place”. That was Tupac and I stand by that quote.

Despite the struggles my mother faced throughout her life, she never lost that special spark or her place in our hearts. She loved us unconditionally. This recent July we had coffee and spoke of the past. We laughed and healed together. She taught me the power of forgiveness and the never ending love between mother and daughter. She didn’t care what anyone thought of her and passed that same attitude on to us. Every song she sang was wrong. The lyrics were always off but she sang loud and proud. She taught me to give back to the community. She gave free haircuts to the homeless and people living in poverty. She spoke of stories from her youth and the many friends she had gained over the years. My mom could talk to anyone and would always see the good in people. Caroline Shine always knew the value of human life and that’s exactly what she instilled in us.